Tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran

Bagbittanda has taken dangerous paths between Saudi Arabia and Iran over a long-range missile strike from Yemen to Saturday in Riyadh.

Powerful Saudi Prince Mohamed Bin Salman says Iran has declared war against Saudi Arabia, with the Yemeni Hutian rebels’ missile.

Shia Houthi rebels get support from Iran On the other hand, other Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia, have carried out air strikes for two years on the rebels in support of the Yemeni government.

The Saudi Prince has accused the Houthi rebels of supplying missiles in Yemen, the Tehran government has blamed him. Iranian Foreign Minister Javed Zarif said that Saudi Arabia is playing a regional role in its language, and it threatens the entire Middle East.

Yemen’s Hutapanthi news media reported that on Saturday evening, the rebels attacked the Burkhan H-2 class-long ballistic missile on the King Khaled Airport. The distance from Yemen’s border is 800 kilometers.

The Saudi media has reported that the missile was destroyed in the Saudi defense system. But part of it falls into the airport.

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubair told CNN that the incident involves Lebanon’s Hizbullah. Hezbollah fired from the Hutia controlled area in Yemen, he said.

Since Saudi Arabia has been involved in the Yemeni civil war in 2015, more than eight thousand people have been killed in attacks by the Saudi coalition, 60 percent of whom are civilians.

Source: BBC Bangla

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