Swift network hackers hacked, Russia’s $ 60 million loot


Hackers have switched over 60 million US dollars from Russia’s central bank by hacking the international media swift payment network of financial transactions. The Russian bank on Friday said that hackers had stolen the money last year by breaking the swift network.

Russia’s central bank says that Swift’s network has been sending information to a swift system operator about a successful attack on hackers. 339.5 million rubles were stolen through this illegal work.

However, the central bank has not agreed to provide any information about this.

A spokesman for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), which is involved in 11,000 banks worldwide, said that their company did not comment on specific events. There are thousands of dollars of transactions worldwide, through swift networks.

Swift spokesman Natasha De Teran said, ‘When we have any information of possible fraud; Then we help the affected user to ensure its safety. ‘

Citing the Deputy Chief of the Controller’s Security Department, Russian Central Bank spokesman Artem Mitchov said, “Hackers have taken money. When hackers take control of the computer; Then it becomes easy for them. ‘

Brussels-based organization Swift says last year, digital frauds have increased significantly around the world. Hackers are using more advanced tools and techniques to launch new attacks.

In December last year, hackers attempted to steal about 55 million rubles from Russian government bank Globex to take control of the swift network. Earlier, in February 2016, hackers broke the Swift’s network in Bangladesh’s central bank, costing about eight million US dollars.

However, the number of hackers attacks and the list of victims does not reveal Swift. However, in some cases, the information of hackers’ hackers in the swift network has been published publicly. There are also cases of money laundering from the Far Eastern International Bank of Taiwan and AIC Asia Bank in Nepal.

Source: Reuters.

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