Efforts were made to cover it after the rape of an 8-year-old child in a slum in Mohammadpur, capital of Bangladesh. However, on Monday morning, someone called the National Emergency Service 999 and informed the police. Finally, police arrested Imran, a young man accused of rape. The victim’s child was also rescued and the victim support center was kept.

Police said that the incident happened in the slums in the slums in Shahjalal Housing area in Bichila area on Saturday. The child’s father is a rickshaw puller. Imran has the effect of a slum. That is why the attempt was to cover the incident. Finally, the young man was arrested in Mohammadpur area. The child’s mother filed the case with the police station.

Mohammadpur Police Station OC Jamal Uddin Mir said no one told the police after the incident on Saturday. Everyone was trying to cover the rape incident. But yesterday morning someone informed the phone by calling 999. After that, the police took them to the police station immediately after notifying them. Accused Imran was arrested and charged.

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