A. Close to two popular YouTube channels of Korea.
North Korea’s propagandized two channels have been blocked for violating YouTube’s social policy. According to YouTube, the US media on Sunday reported this information on the Guardian.
According to the report published in The Guardian, the popular YouTube channel of Steamkorius and Urimozokiri, North Korea. Of these, there were more than 20 thousand of Stemkorius and more than 18,000 subscribers of Urimijokokiri.
Both of the channels were posted on North Korean state television news clip videos. Originally, Pyongyang shared missile testing videos, launching missile missiles. Last month the Urimozokiri channel was shown – Former US military James Joseph Darsonak died after being alive for five decades in North Korea. But before the death, he accepted the position of President Kim Jong Un
According to experts, this channel actually showed North Korean military power by President Kim Jong Un. North Korea’s military stores were shown. In one word, this YouTube channel was spread by Kim’s policy into the international world.
Meanwhile, on Friday, the channel announced the closure of two but did not reveal any further details on the matter. Youtube authorities It has not been told how long the channel will be closed.
North Korea continues to test the ballistic missile and nuclear bombs after the United Nations sanctions. Last Sunday, a hydrogen bomb claimed successful experiments in the country. The bomb exploded in the underground area.
Analysts believe that North Korea’s latest bomb explosion capacity is 108 kiloton; Which is 7.8 times stronger than the US bombs in Japan’s Hiroshima.