If you know how to eat eggs by 3 o’clock, do not miss it today …

If you know how to eat eggs by 3 o'clock, do not miss it today ...

Even hot boiled eggs are seen in front of the eyes and restrain themselves. Making mistakes. Yes, just read it. You’re wrong.
What doctors say in recent research and studies does not match exactly with your idea. Do you know To be good, two to three eggs should be eaten every day. How much of the egg is beneficial for the body, recent evidence is its evidence.

1. Reduces the chances of heart disease

In the study of Louisiana’s Biomedical Research Center in the United States, 152 people were divided into three groups. One group is said to eat whatever you want at breakfast. The second group is said to eat two eggs in breakfast. The third group is called to eat bagels. Result has been found, those who have eaten two eggs each day, they lost 65 percent more weight than the rest of the group and had fat of 35 percent.

A lot of omega-3 in the egg helps reduce the triglyceride levels in the blood. Which reduces chances of heart disease.

2. Reducing the risk of postpartum problems

An egg contains 0.7 mg vitamin B9, also called folic acid. The baby’s central nervous system is not properly formed when the amount of folic acid in the body is low during pregnancy. As a result, the chances of nervous disease increase.

3. Holds the age

Berlin’s famous health center Charité’s research says that eggs do not let the skin bleed. This reduces the chances of aging skin. Brightness in the skin. Skin cancer also prevents cancer. According to medical scientists, egg yolk has natural yellow color. There is a lot of carotenoids in that color. Which brightens the skin.

4. Reduces the chance of cancer

Studies have shown that an egg reduces the risk of breast cancer by 18 percent. Estrogen in the body reduces the chances of breast cancer by increasing the hormonal suppression.

5. Keeps hair, skin and liver good

Egg contains a lot of vitamin B12, biotin and protein. Which is very beneficial for hair growth and skin. Especially useful for egg yolk hair.

6. Keeps eyes good

Lithium, Vitamin A and zeaxanthin are very beneficial for eyes in the egg. The pressure on the eyes in the light of day, reduces the pressure. Increases the sight.

7. Lose weight

Eggs do not accumulate in the body fat. Reduce the level of hunger. Good fat helps to weigh the weight.

8. Digestion increases strength and keeps it healthy

The egg contains choline, which is highly beneficial for metabolism in the body. As a result, energy is created. Weighs down Pregnancy reduces the risk of getting pregnant women.

9. Body bones strengthen

Because of the high calorie intake of calcium and Vitamin D, strengthening bones and teeth. Reduces the possibility of joint pain.

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