Answer the question that Google has searched the most!

Answer the question that Google has searched the most!

Answer the question that Google has searched the most!

People are constantly trying to know unknowns from the fury of civilization. This trend continues even today.

From Mars to the Moon, people travel on the moon. Spending millions of dollars in space research And the question is starting from this question.
People are looking for answers to many questions in the welfare of the technology, in the popular search engine Google. Google has recently released the world’s largest ‘How to …’ that means ‘how …’ – List of 10 things that have been searched. The list shows that the most searched people on Google in the world about ‘how to …’ that means ‘how …’ is that how to tie a tie (how to tie the tie).

From the list below, search the most Google in the world, 10 ‘How to …’ – List of topics:

1. How to tie the tie
2. How to kiss
3. How to be pregnant
4. How to lose weight
5. How to draw
6. How to make money
7. How to make pancakes
8. How to write cover letter
9. How to make French toast
10. How to reduce stomach fat

Google data editor Simon Rogers said, “Recently we have noticed that searching for the question ‘How to …’ in Google has increased more than 140 percent since 2004. And most of the items related to solutions such as lightbulbs, windows, washing machines and even toilets.

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