
Recently, a 7-year-old child named Joynab Ansari was raped in Pakistan. He did not return after reading Meqtain and did not return. Later, his wounds were recovered from the dump stack.

It is known that he was left with a ruthless rape and left in a dump pile. The whole Pakistan became angry. Everyone from the intellectuals and the common people is vocal against this heinous incident. But among these protesters, some children and women are responsible for the rape of love-sex scenes shown on the screen. And in this case, they blamed Bollywood cinema. Already hash has been generated at #StopVulgarityOnMedia

But the protesters of Pakistan have protested the argument that the Indians The net has answered the stars. What is the logic of the allegation? The question has already been raised. Besides, they condemn rape to a distortion and condemn what has happened in Pakistan. However, it is not acceptable to say that Bollywood is responsible for this.

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