Iran produces heavy water secretly in nuclear bases
Iran produces heavy water secretly in nuclear bases
The Islamic Republic of Iran continues its nuclear activities by ignoring the international pressure. In this regard, the country’s nuclear power agency said that the production of heavy water has not been stopped at the nuclear basin created in the Arak region of the country.
Ali Asgar Jarain, the advisor to the head of the organization, said this in a speech at a university in Korad, Iran.
He said attempts were made to transform the IR-40 reactor’s Heavy Water into the light water in nuclear talks with the West. But Iran did not accept it.
According to the nuclear negotiation, the Arak Heavy Water Reactor is being converted to IR-20 as well as keeping the rich water now in force. It is possible that this reactor is capable of plating one and a half million plutonium annually.
Heyen also said that the primary element of heavy water is the common water we see. It is converted into heavy water through a special process. This technology is close to only a few countries in the world. He said that Iran will be able to export additional heavy water abroad by meeting its demand.