In Iran, publicly beheaded on the charge of corruption


Iran has been beheading a businessman named ‘Sultan of Bitumin’ for making bank fraud and corruption. The news agency Mizan Online reported that he was beheaded on Saturday for allegedly cheating and consuming huge quantities of energy products.

AFP reported that Iran has strengthened anti-corruption campaign this summer. Hamidreja Bagheri Darmanii, a businessman who was involved in the anti-corruption campaign, killed three people.

Mizan’s report says that Iran’s biggest crime was accused of worldwide corruption. About 100 million US dollars were charged with nationalism, fraud and bribery. He was arrested in August 2014. He took loans from the State Bank to show fake real estate business papers.

Then he brought Iran’s profitable Bitumin business in front. Another great businessman was also related to Babaq Morteza Janjani. In 2016, Iran has filed a charge against Babuq Mortazar.

The story of Darmani’s execution was broadcast dramatically on state television. In the background, action movie soundtracks and documentaries of the whole crime were shown. The country has taken measures to show the tough position against corruption in the economic sector.

Since the United States President Donald Trump has banned Iran in May, the country is going through an economic crisis

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