Jovan-Mehjabi’s ‘Best Friend’ at the top of popularity on YouTube


On 14 February, on the occasion of the Love Day, one of the most discussed dramas of TV plays ‘Best Friend’ The drama directed by Prabir Roy Chowdhury received a huge response after it was released on YouTube.

The drama of Bangladesh trends has reached number one on Wednesday in YouTube Trends. 6 days view has more than 13 million Earlier, the 4-minute drama was in second place on YouTube Trends.

Director Prabir Roy Chowdhury said, “Best Friends” is being released on YouTube on the day of Love Day on TV. Since then, I have received lots of feedback. Today on YouTube (Wednesday) my drama came to number one in popularity. I am quite happy.

In the story of the play, Shuvo and Faria’s identity can be seen through a friend. In a short time, it takes the form of a good friendship. Become the best friend of each other. Suddenly Fairy came to the life of the new one. Fariya wrapped in love with her Faria. Shuva realized that she also loved Faria. It started with three people in tandem.

Mehjabine played the role of Jovan and Faria in the play, in the role of Faria. Along with others, Azad, Nabi, Lamia, Ilma, and Bridge. Two songs in ‘Best Friend’ Tanir Ivan gave this voice to Piran Khan.

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