ইউ উইন মিন্ট

U Win Mint has been elected as the new president of Myanmar. In Wednesday’s election, two-thirds of the vote was cast in the country’s parliament. Out of the 636 votes cast, the US got 403 votes. His nearest rival, U Mint, got the help of 200 votes.

Earlier on March 21, the country’s President Thin Kiyo resigned. Two years ago, the President was also known as Aung San Suu Kyi’s ‘right hand’.

And the new president, U Win Mint, was acting as the speaker of the lower house of Myanmar parliament since 2012. He is close to the country’s state advisor Aung San Suu Kyi.

After long military rule, Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD), which won the elections in November 2015, Thin Kiyo took office in March 2016. NLD leader Suu Kyi could not be president because of the country’s constitutional restrictions.

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