
Russia’s largest military exercise has begun on Tuesday. Millions of Russian soldiers are participating in the exercise. This week’s exercise, called ‘Vastik-2018 (Oriental-2014)’ will last for a week. There are three hundred thousand soldiers, including three hundred thousand soldiers in China.

China and Mongolia’s soldiers also participated in the exercise in Siberia’s eastern region. North Atlantic Regional Alliance NATO condemned the exercise and said it is also a trial of large scale conflicts. NATO also described it as a major collision exercise.

AFP reported that Russia’s defense minister Sergei Shoigu said this year’s military exercise will be a bigger scale. It will take 3 lakh troops, 36 thousand military goons, 1,000 warships and 80 warships.

The military exercises are going to begin in the wake of the growing tension in Russia with Westerners surrounding Western countries and the allegations against Russia against ongoing conflict in Ukraine and Syria.

Earlier, in 1981, between 1 and 1.5 million soldiers in Russia took part in a military exercise called ‘Japan-81’ (Western-81). This was the biggest war trial during the former Soviet regime.

The Russian army will showcase its latest weapons and military equipment such as Escandar missile. The missile is capable of carrying nuclear warheads. The T-80 and T-90 models of the latest tanks and sophisticated SU-34 and Sue-35 Russian fighter will participate in the exercise. Many frigate will be deployed in the sea with Kalibor missile. Russia has used this missile in Syria war

After participating in an economic forum in Vladivostok, Russia’s remote country, Russian President Vladimir Putin will join the exercise. One of the prominent dignitaries invited to Economic Forum, China’s President C China Ping

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