Son of Shahrukh, son of Abrah is not Gauri! Then who?


The fame of fame: There is no place for personal life in a celebrity. At the moment, with the highest level of personal life, with the social media, he is none other than himself, Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan himself.

The open debate in the open Quran forum at this moment is about his younger son, Abram. No, this 4-year-old son of Shah Rukh does not have any responsibility for the child’s son’s looks. The question is, and Bahas, his mother.
There is an information at the root of the argument. Which is currently viral in several Indian newspapers. Shahrukh’s youngest son, Abram, is a surrogate child. That is, Shahrukh is his father but his mother is not pregnant mother Shahrukh-elderly Gauri Khan. That is, for the birth of this child, Shah Rukh took refuge in the womb.

According to the media reports, two sons of Shahrukh and Gauri – Arian Khan and Suhana Khan. Khan couple was planning a third child. After two years of trying out, they started thinking about adopting adoption. Several relatives said to be in their in vitro fertilization or IVF. In this method, it is possible to have children with the help of another pregnant woman. The sperm and ovum of the rematch of the couple have to be replaced by another woman. The fetus increases there.

Khan couple took refuge of IVF for their third child. However, the name of the pregnant woman was kept secret. This is not something new in Bollywood. Earlier, a few star-born children were born in this manner. Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao’s children are also born in this manner. But the trouble is over Shahrukh Khan. Who is the baby boy of Shahrukh, so the water starts to grumble.

So far, what has been known about, is the essence of a this-Shahrukh-Gauri relative or whether it has been revealed as a pregnant woman. And this is the case of Abram in the process. Therefore, according to logic, Gauri Khan is not the abode of Abrahan. His ovum was used only for the birth of Abram.

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