Turkey is saying that the mosque is closed in Austria and Imam expelled
The government has decided to ban seven foreign-funded mosques and expel 60 priests in Austria. The government is complaining that politics is being done in these mosques with Islam.
The government announced the closure and expulsion on Friday, the head of the government, Chief Chancellor Sebastian Karz.
Meanwhile, Turkey has strongly protested against the decision of the FPO and OPP coalition government, the right wing group of Australia.
On Friday, Turkish Presidential spokesman Ibrahim Klein said, “This is a decision that has been made in Austria by anti-Muslim and racist and discriminatory.”
Meanwhile, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Karz said, “There is no place for political Islam and extremists in our country. He said this action has been taken in consultation.
It is known that mosques were funded by the Islamic Cultural Association of Turkey. The government has taken this step through an Act of 2015. Through this law, religious groups can not accept foreign funding.
Chancellor threatened to stop these mosques on April one incident.
It is known that in a mosque in Vienna, a Turkish flag was presented by a group of first world war, a group of children. The government of Austria is mad at this issue, and the government is mad at this point.
At the time of the First World War, Germany and Ottoman Turkey were on one side of the battle of Gallipoli and on the other side the ally.
There was intense fighting there for a long time. Ultimately, Ottoman forces were able to stop the alliance proceedings in this fight. This victory is still celebrated in Turkey. Through this incident, modern Turkey was thought to have been established.
This incident was highlighted by a group of children in a mosque in Vienna. There they raided the Turkish uniform after the military uniform.
Then pretending to be shot dead in the war. After the picture and news of this event, the angry right-wing Austrian right-wing government of Austria
Earlier, in October, Muslim women in Austria were banned wearing a full face-covered nikab or burka in public places.
Sebastian Corridge, in conjunction with the Freedom Party of Migration, came to power in December last year.