The world’s tallest model is going to star in Hollywood


Kagiguru talagah stood on one leg. But Russian model Ekaterina Lizina stood on both feet in front of the camera.

And to take pictures of her cameraman is to raise the ladder. Because he is the world’s tallest model.
Its height is about seven feet. Already very well known Ekaterina. The story of this height has already come up in the headline of the news. The Russian girl got the best chance of life in this news story. She is going to star in Hollywood.

Ekaterina resident of Penza area of Russia From the small height he was higher. One 6 feet 9 inches taller legs in this body. Its length is about 52 inches This leg couple made her place in the local basketball team. Gradually, which became the favorite favorite of Ekaterina. At one time, the 29-year model played in the national team also. Bronze medal also took the country to the Olympic Games. Got the Bigfoot? He is famous throughout Russia.

Now this reputation has spread throughout the world. At various times the news head of Ekaterinera this height has come up. In the Guinness Book of World Records, the 29-year-old model has already written the title of the court of its lengthy footprint. Better to see and hear and talk to Ekaterina. So he got the movie offers. He is going to be seen – in a Hollywood movie called Rugby Girls, he will be seen in a special role.

Ekaterina proud of his height He does not have any problem for this. Like other people, Roshanama of his life. Now the increase has increased. Star Takma has brought the opportunity to Hollywood. The income is also quite good. Only 29 years old girl has remained an incomplete demand. Want a life partner? It will be a little shorter in length. But there must be dark black hair and brown eyes.

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