This young man is the owner of a whole country!


A young man declared himself as the owner of a whole country of land between Egypt and Sudan.

He is the ruler there.

And the country’s prime minister is her father. It is a matter of surprise, the national animal lizard of that country. Even with the name of his name, he was named the country’s capital as Suhshpur. He is well-advised.
A young man of authentic Indian at birth Indore residents of Madhya Pradesh. Preferred adventure favorite. And the adventure of the adventurer has made him the ‘owner’ of a whole country. Whose name Suhas has given himself – ‘Kungdam of Dikshit’.

He also calls on the people to be good citizens of the country. He will also plead with the United Nations.

The beginning of the event was by the hand of Adventure. Sujash was driving about 319 kilometers long through the desert. In the middle of Egypt and Sudan, in the middle of an unclaimed area. The name of the region spread over about 2,000 square miles of southern Egypt and the northern Sudanese desert is Bir Tawil. This region of the uncluttered area is not yet included in any country or state. Subhash is now claiming to be the ruler of the region.

Such, CEO of a software company, wrote on his Facebook page on November 6, “I declare myself as King of the Kingdom of Dikshit”. From today I am King Subash. Today, my country from this region without the claim of heroic Tabeel ”

Writing on Facebook, he said that he had to drill a whole country to discover the country, Sujash wrote. He wrote, “I was traveling on the road holding the Egyptian army. The entire area is surrounded by extremists’ akhada That is why the army ordered to ‘shoot at sight’ in the area. Many planes, with permissions in several places, could reach there. ”

At that time, to reach the goal, Subhash had placed three conditions on himself. One, not taking a picture of the area where the soldiers were occupying the area. Two, come back in one day. Three, keep nothing valuable to yourself. And success came in that.

Subhash was in the region for 6 hours. He took the flag standing in the Kangadam of Dikshit. To claim the place as its own country, Sujash was spreading grain on the ground. Why? According to Subhash, “There were some rules in ancient civilization. In order to claim ownership of a land, the owner has to produce crop there. That is why I spread the grain in my country and gave it water. This country is now my ”

Subhash has opened a website of his own ‘Desh’. In his words, “Now I am the king. Not a joke, why not I am the owner of a whole country. Now the time has come to send an e-mail to the UN. “The country has found Subhash in his father’s birthday. So, the father of the father of the Kangadam of Dikshit has announced the opportunity to father Dipakshi. This is his gift given to his father on birthday.

However, no opinion of the UN is known in this regard. It is not known when Subhash will send a letter to the UN.

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